Carefully manage your reactions

*THE DAILY PILL* *CAREFULLY MANAGE YOUR REACTIONS Our efforts cannot in any way stop the rain but we can prevent it from wetting us. We cannot always control certain actions but can control our reaction towards them We cannot always control what we see, learn to control yourself. We cannot always control what we hear,Continue reading “Carefully manage your reactions”

Do not be limited by people’s perceptions

Perception is like how contacts are saved on the phone, the names do not always reflect the identity of the person. Perception is like how a file is named on a computer, it does not always reflect the content of the file. No matter your identity and value, people will identify and tag you basedContinue reading “Do not be limited by people’s perceptions”

Proactive-ness, a mark of sensitivity and responsibility

So far people do not lament over our actions does not mean they are not hurt but because they are strong and patient to endure. Many are silent on our provocative remarks not because they afraid of us but because they have mastery over their emotions. Silence does not always connote wellness.   Do notContinue reading “Proactive-ness, a mark of sensitivity and responsibility”

Selfishness, Attractive but Destructive

When selfishness rules our lives, morality is mostly determined by our disposition, place, situation and time. Selfishness makes us inconsistent to what is right or wrong. We shift the goal post to meet our aspirations and target. These are not acts of dynamism but selfishness; You gleefully accept today what you rejected yesterday because itContinue reading “Selfishness, Attractive but Destructive”

Personal encounter, not popular perception

When we judge the morality of a music solely by its genre and rhythm rather than the quality of words, we are likely to miss the value of the music. Sometimes, we assess people not based on our personal experience of their conduct but based on the popular perception about the place, status and groupContinue reading “Personal encounter, not popular perception”

Your greatest challenge..

Challenges are part of life, they become destructive only when we allow them to rule us instead of making efforts to overcome them. Our gravest problem is not with our ignorance but when we deliberately persist in ignorance. Your greatest setback is not to make a mistake but to consciously persist in your mistake. OurContinue reading “Your greatest challenge..”

Human beings are not always predictable

Our actions do always trigger their corresponding reactions  others. *In most cases, not those who are unfair, irresponsible and indifferent are hated but those who are responsible, dedicated, fair and firm.* You do not have to hurt or offend others before you can qualify to be their enemy. Sometimes, your good conducts create enemies forContinue reading “Human beings are not always predictable”