Forgive, it frees….

Do not  pride yourself  with your merciless  and unforgiving  heart. Keeping  grudges can never be a dignified  achievement.  Forgiveness  is a wondrous act, the more we forgive, the more we open up to divine mercy and freedom to move on in life. It is not easy and it is unattractive to forgive, that is whyContinue reading “Forgive, it frees….”

Be hopeful but realistic..

There are two great detractors to growth, hopelessness and false hope. Hopelessness quenches our zeal and blurs our view to move on. False hope gives us pleasant but unrealistic picture of reality and our abilities. We can never succeed when we entertain hopeless thoughts and attitude. We cannot make any significant headway in life whenContinue reading “Be hopeful but realistic..”

Compromise your transient comforts for lasting peace…..

In order to reach your *Promise Land*, you need to abandon the partial and the transient joys and comforts of *Egypt* to cross the *desert* of temporal hardships. Greatness is not beyond your reach but the road to greatness is not always straight and smooth, you need divine sustenance and your deliberate initiatives to  overcomeContinue reading “Compromise your transient comforts for lasting peace…..”

It is not easy to be light to others…

Light reveals hidden realities. When you accept to be the light to others, then prepare yourself to see unpleasant reactions from people. Naturally, human beings are defensive so many will not be at peace with you when point out their irresponsibility with your responsibility, and their vices with your virtues. Never think that everybody willContinue reading “It is not easy to be light to others…”

You know and understand yourself better…

Some people may not understand you because they are not in your shoes. Others may not take you serious because they are ignorant of what you are going through in life. Many will not sympathize with you because they do not know who you feel. People may despise you because they do not know yourContinue reading “You know and understand yourself better…”

It is godly to correct wrongs..

In our mistakes, we normally want others to understand us to be human and be merciful on us, but we mercilessly judge and call for the heads of others in their weaknesses and mistakes. We have less difficulty in pointing out the mistakes and the failings of others but it is normally difficult to acknowledgeContinue reading “It is godly to correct wrongs..”